Prana Yoga Center Moscow

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The spacious, light and at the same time cozy halls of the Prana Yoga Center Moscow are one of our favorite locations in Moscow and home to our Feldenkrais professional training programs. It’s located on the 3rd floor of the shopping mal “Baby Store”.

The venue is comfortably situated in a short distance from the Voikovskaya metro station and easily accessible from all parts of the city.

The center is well-equipped with all facilities and it has a nice vegetarian café where we can spend our breaks. Around the venue, there is a multitude of places to have a hearty lunch, to take a coffee alone or to have fun in a large company.


Центр йоги Прана (Prana Yoga Center Moscow)
Старопетровский пр-д, 1, стр. 2
125130 Москва

Baby Store


Possibles allotjaments que poden servir durant el curs o la formació. Si necessites més ajuda, posa’t en contacte amb nosaltres.

Mini-Hotel Kay & Gerda

Ulitsa Klary Tsetkin, 29
125130 Moskva
+7 9091556662

Minima Vodny Hotel

Golovinskoye Shosse, 8 корпус 2А
Moscow, 125212

Hotel Ramn

Baltiyskaya Ulitsa, 10, к. 2
Moscow, 125315

Art Family Hotel

Ulitsa Kosmonavta Volkova, 6a
Moscow 127299

Hotel Komfort Klass

Ulitsa Chasovaya, 11
Moscow, 125315

Altres recomanacions

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La informació proporcionada aquí pot no estar actualitzada. Si us plau contacta directament amb l'hotel en qüestió.
També us animem a que ajudeu als vostres companys d'estudi, oferint espai si el teniu, o si sabeu de gent que ofereix habitacions privades. Gràcies!